5 Pet-Friendly Landscaping Ideas in Wheaton, IL

5 Pet-Friendly Landscaping Ideas in Wheaton, IL

When making landscaping upgrades to your Wheaton, IL, home, one of your priorities may be the safety and needs of your pets. If you have a four-legged friend or two (or more) that like to spend lots of time outdoors, you want to ensure that they will enjoy any changes you decide to make and that they will be safe when they frolic in your newly remodeled landscape.

Safety First

As you go over your many options with your landscape contractor, you may want to first focus on the safety of any animals that live with you and can go outside. When considering different ideas, first ask yourself, “Is this safe for my dog?” Anything after that may be secondary. For instance, some plants and flowers are toxic to dogs, so to be extra cautious, you could check with your vet to ensure any new greenery being planted is safe if your pet sniffed or ingested any of its leaves or needles. You can also let your landscaper know this is a concern for you and that pet-friendly plantings must be prioritized. Fencing or walls may also be part of your safety considerations, depending on how wild and freely you want your pets to roam while out of doors.

Shade and Shelter

Shelter may be another consideration if your pets will be spending considerable amounts of time outside when it’s sunny or raining. Like humans, dogs enjoy basking in the sun but after a bit, that sun gets hot and a break is needed. A canine-friendly shady space might include a pergola or even a large shade tree that offers cooling comfort on a hot day.

If you will be adding a dog house to your landscaping upgrades, give thought to how your pet likes to retreat to and rest. The dog house could be near the action—consider placing it near your patio—and easily accessible.


Dogs love water. It’s a fact of life. Not just water that they can drink, but water to play in too. So when you are choosing landscape elements and want to include pet-friendly options, consider how to include water elements for hydration and fun. Water feature ideas could include water fountains that constantly have a flow of fresh water or even a small backyard pond with sloped sides for safety.

Lookout Platform

Dogs are watchful by nature, so a lookout platform, such as a raised boulder, would make for a happy pup. Consider placing this platform in a place that your pet can see most of the yard.

Dog-Friendly Walkways

For the most part, dogs are creatures of habit and will take the same territory each time they walk through the yard. This can quickly create an unsightly trail if the path they choose is through the grass. Mulch and small bark chips are both dog-friendly options for a good walkway that won’t get too hot, but they will need to be replaced periodically. A better option could be natural stone or concrete pavers. These can provide a beautiful effect for your landscaping and require very little upkeep—much less than mulch.

When having a safe and enjoyable place for your animals to roam and explore is the end goal, landscaping experts can help you guide toward fun and safe options for your pets.


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