The Secret Behind Watering – How Much is Too Much?
Throughout our 30+ years providing landscaping services in Naperville and the surrounding areas, we have seen one common culprit when it comes to issues with plants, trees, and shrubs. While bunnies, squirrels, and other wildlife can be particularly destructive, the single biggest obstacle to a flourishing garden is water. How do you know how much is enough and how much is too much? Read more in our latest blog!
Expert Advice for Spring Cleanup and Garden Bed Planning
If you’re already thinking spring, you’re not alone! Montano’s starts getting calls in February from families looking to get a jump on their spring landscaping projects; not only are these clients able to book some of our first spring project slots, they also have the benefit of time to properly prepare. Let’s talk about some of the things you can be thinking about and doing now as you consider spring cleanup in your yard and plan for your landscape project in the western suburbs.