Unlock Your Love for Nature With an Expert Landscape Design in the Wheaton and Hinsdale, IL Areas
As you search for the landscape design that can transform your Wheaton and Hinsdale, IL Areas outdoor spaces, the biggest problem might be narrowing your choices. An expert landscape designer can take an ordinary property and change it into something of your dreams. From more functional spaces that meet your need for outdoor living to beautiful plantings that accent areas of the yard, a fresh take on your landscape look can unlock all the possibilities.
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A New Landscape Plan
Gorgeous, useful outdoor spaces start with a stellar landscape design. Using 3D technology, this virtual outdoor space can let you see each feature, plant, and connection within the property to ensure it looks like what you envision.
Whether you want to focus on just the front or backyard or prefer a comprehensive landscape design that revamps the entire property, an amazing outdoor space is the final destination.
A Refreshed Backyard Area
Since the backyard tends to be the most used area within the property, many homeowners like to start there to create a landscape that reflects their style and outdoor needs.
Spacious Raised Patio
When your favorite thing to do on weekends is to invite your friends and family over for time outdoors, having a beautiful and functional patio can be an essential main area. The best patio designs should take into account the terrain and maximize the lovely views.
Choosing a patio paver that unifies this outdoor living space with the house style and exterior colors can be crucial to create a unified look. Combining a pale tone taken from the house colors such as gray can form the bulk of the patio surface. Pale-toned pavers can make a patio look more expansive while still repelling stains and dirt.
Create dimension and visual interest with darker gray pavers that outline the main pavers. Textured steps in a medium gray tone can let a single color make an outdoor space that looks and feels upscale.
An Outdoor Kitchen
Adding an outdoor kitchen can enhance your patio life in multiple ways. Grilling burgers, chicken, and summer vegetables can be easy with a deluxe grill station where you can keep the food warm in the warming drawer below.
A sink, dishwasher, and ample counter space can make clean-up a breeze while the counter serves as prep space, additional serving stations, and informal seating for meals. Adding an ice machine and a Blackstone griddle can increase the entertaining options since you will always have plenty of ice on hot summer days and this griddle can let you cook breakfast for your extended family, a quick lunch for your kids and their friends, and enough stir-fry for everyone to have second helpings for dinner.
An Outdoor Bar
While you might be tempted to think an outdoor bar is a luxury, in reality, it can also become a life-saver. The extra fridge can hold more chilled drinks while the bar area lets your guests serve themselves while you are busy cooking the meal.
With a kegerator for beer, a wine fridge, electrical outlets for blenders, and a snow cone machine, you can have an array of beverages and icy treats for everyone in the group. Storing all the mixers and snow cone syrups outside can keep all the mess outdoors, too.
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