When to Repair or Replace a Brick Patio in Hinsdale, IL

When to Repair or Replace a Brick Patio in Hinsdale, IL

You might love to host family birthdays or barbeques, but perhaps the current state of your brick patio is preventing you from sending out any invites lately. The last thing you want is for your grandmother to stumble while hanging out in your Hinsdale, IL, landscape. The time to repair or replace those broken and missing bricks could be now.

A Crumbling Patio

If you worry when guests visit that the a missing brick could cause a twisted ankle or worse, then repairing the patio problems can help you not to stress over accidental injuries. Maybe even you forget to step around the broken pieces and stumble as you try to water your flowers. Eliminating potential accidents by replacing the missing or fractured bricks can ease your mind.

​Standing Water on the Patio

If your poorly installed patio has sunken places where the water collects from a rainstorm, this can bring about mold, which can make the bricks slippery and hazardous. At times the rain can run across the patio and wash out all of the landscaping that you have worked so hard to install. There is not much more discouraging than seeing your mulch and flowers strewn down the path that the water takes.

Water that does not drain properly can cause the bricks in the patio to sink and when this happens, you can end up with potholes. Water that does not drain well from the brick patio can also cause damage to the foundation of your home. When the water has nowhere to go, it will just sit beside the foundation and seep into your crawl space or basement, potentially leading to mold and other costly damage.

Frustrating Weeds in Your Brick Patio

Any cracked or missing mortar leaves a place for weeds to grow in the patio bricks. Once this happens, the integrity of the rest of the bricks are threatened because weeds and vines are persistent and find their way into the smallest of cracks. It is certainly a frustrating process to try to battle the weeds that always seem to find their way into any opening between the bricks.

Patio That Is Not Level

When the bricks settle and begin to slant, the entire structure of the patio can be threatened. Not only can this cause damage to your yard when the rain runs off, but the slanting of the bricks makes the patio virtually unusable. When the rest of your yard is well-groomed and lush, a non-functional patio can be an eyesore.

What Happens When You Correct the Problems

When you correct the problems with your patio bricks by replacing the broken ones or renovating the entire patio, you have the opportunity to correct any water problems that exist. Imagine no more gullies through the yard during a rainstorm, or no more standing puddles on the patio, or no more navigating your way around the patio to attend to your flowers. When you repair or replace problematic pavers in your patio with quality materials that are installed correctly, you won’t have to worry about repairs—you can simply enjoy your new patio.


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